Ruby's travels

By Roobz

The Ghibli Museum

Yesterday was Dom's birthday and quite an eventful one at that (hence the backblipping that I will be doing today of our karaoke night out!).

We had tickets booked to visit the Ghibli museum today which we very nearly did not bother to go to and none of us felt very well AT ALL the morning after the night before. However, we did manage to drag ourselves out of bed and to Mitaka, and I am SO glad that we did! It was beautiful! The best museum that I have ever been to and every bit as magical as the films. If you're ever in Tokyo, this is a must see!

Sadly, photography was not allowed inside the building (and to be honest I don't think that any photos could do this wonderful building justice anyway!), but I did get this shot of Dom with his new friends in the roof garden!

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