Wardrobes XP...

This officially starts the preparations for baby deux.

Main use for the spare room was the desktop computer and the dryer. I mainly use a laptop but use the desktop computer to do backups, DVD writing and take the software I don't want hampering the laptop's speed.

So I have a fully functional internet capable and networked wardrobe.

Got a new experience today. This was one I shared with my daughter, or rather she shared it with me. This was always a risk and I always knew the day would come.

Have you worked out what it is yet?

It's bath night Bethany performed what I've christened the Vindaloo Jacuzzi.

I let her off as we had a delightful wee quiet time after she got out of the bath she just lay in her towel in my arms and was completely silent and peaceful for about 15 minutes. I whispered words in her ear and she gently repeated them back to me.

It was truely magical and made me forget how yukky she's been feeling lately.

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