
By jannylou


A busy day today but a productive one. Had both boys at the dentist this morning, both got a clean bill of health. Then it was off to the vet for Coco to do a follow up on her dodgy leg. It looks as though there is not much we can do about it, the surgery would be specialist and therefore expensive and the shelter can't afford to pay for it. But she's not in a great deal of pain and she still loves to run fast so we are going to try to rehome her, dodgy leg and all !

On my way to the vets this lizard appeared on my windscreen, literally out of the blue ! I was driving on a busy road and going quite fast and I have no idea where it came from ! It just landed there and it clung on for a few miles until I pulled up at the traffic lights. Then it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. Cute.

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