The Chaos Bros

By vik


It's a damp & misty morning here and there were literally hundreds and hundreds of webs in the garden when the boys were heading to school, naturally we had to stop and examine most of them.... it took a while, we were very nearly late.

'Mum, you need to blip them' said Bro 1,
'Later' I replied
'No, now'
'But Muuuuum!'
'School, now!'
'Promise you'll blip them after you take me to school'
'Yes!, now get in the car!!'
'Look there's some on the car'
'Seatbelt, now!!'
'What about this one?'
'Aargh, get in the car!'

Eventually Bros 1&2 were dropped at school & Bro3 at nursery. Then I
came home and dutifully blipped a web. Time for a cup of tea now.

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