Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Like two peas in a pod...

However they're only like two peas in a pod as they are quite clearly broad beans. I've been having a bit of a kitchen this week, making up batches of soap and stews and stuff for the freezer. Partly because it was getting low and I had lots of gigantic veg to use up (which reminds me, I completely forgot the kohl rabi in the stew) and partly so we've got easy food in my exam weeks.

Anyhow, as I was shelling the beans I thought I'd get the camera out and have a play. I then thought I'd get my macro filters out and have a play. So there I am, in the kitchen, surrounded by vegetable peelings, dishes and stew bubbling away, swapping out filters on my camera and trying to find a safe place to lay down the spare ones. Probably not my brightest idea ever but still got some nice shots. Most of my shots were of indivuidual beans but I really liked this one of two.

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