Copenhagen Dreaming

By dennisjorgensen

Polaroid #3

This is a pic of a place that is very dear to me. The tree to the left is a magnificent 100 year-old chestnut tree, in the middle of a square in my part of the city. I was born, and still lives here.. So has my family for 3 generations before me.
However, I am very sad to learn that a subway station has been decided to place at this very square. That means that there will be a grand construction mess for several years plus the chestnut tree will have to go.. The city counsil has decided to do this inspite of massive protest from the people liveing here and using the square everyday.. I really consider to chain myself to the tree, my great grandparents saw for the first time 70 years ago. It's a kind of trademark for this part of the city, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Of course it's not to be compared, but to us it's a part of our everyday life around here..

Enghave Plads.. Enghave Square..

With borders...

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