Guilty as charged

I'll read almost any kind of book if it takes my fancy. Every now and then though I get an overwhelming craving for a pulp western novel. No one, as far as I'm concerned, does pulp western quite like George G gilman. I have quite a few of the edge books kicking about the house. Mainly picked up from charity shops and second hand book shops. I'd have to admit to them being a real guilty pleasure because some of them, particularly the later ones, are just nonsense. Satisfying nonsense admittedly, although Rhapsody in Red which is based albeit loosely on the Rolling stones at Altamont is pretty damn hard to take seriously.

the series started out more seriously. Josiah Hedges returns from the civil war to settle down but his family is butchered so he sets out for revenge, fairly stock western fare really. After that there are a series of over 30 books where he has become a hard-boiled cynical loner taking on any work which will bring money.

That's probably more than you'll ever need to know about the Edge books but I thought they were a candidate for a guilty pleasure.

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