Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Green Sandpiper

Although the sun was shining today we didn't have any plans to do anything special. Mrs L is off tomorrow for a long weekend with the girls so it was shopping, haircut & packing for her while I pottered. Had a wee bird watching stint in the garden, but only the regular tits put in an appearance. Later while we were having lunch I spotted a treecreeper, got a few reasonable shots, but as most took on 1/40" there's nothing of blippable quality, although good enough to be counted as photographed bird 133 for the year.

In the afternoon when Mrs L headed to the hairdresser I took the opportunity of a lift to our local nature reserve. On opening the shutters a Green Sandpiper was right in front of the hide. First time I'd seen one there and later I also espied a pair of Teal which again I'd not seen there before - not a bad outing. A shorn Mrs L then returned and the Green Sandpiper obliged by coming even closer to give her a good view and me a presentable blip photo.

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