The fool on the hill

By mooncoin

Draw a line

In recent months there have appeared around Malvern roads these cycle logos. I was puzzled by this as we have 2 within 50 yards of our house. It turns out that it's some sort of cyclotourist route... I think. I'm not actually sure. It has something to do with sustrans... I think. It struck me as a waste of paint but I suppose we have to keep paint manufacturers and line painters in business.
Now I'm going to be contentious, generalizing and sexist. Have you ever noticed that if you ask a woman to draw a bike from memory, that she can't? The same goes for hang gliders as far as I can see. (But I suppose most people don't know what a hang glider looks like). Conversely, If you ask a man if there's a red bike in the garage he's just walked through he won't have a clue if there's a bike there or not if he was looking for a screwdriver, never mind what colour it was. Just an observation on gender specific observational skills.
I think the line painter here was male - well they all are aren't they?

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