
By CleanSteve


Sylvain is my subject and it is a one shot day, and fully automated.

I showed him my Journal today so he could see some of my photos. So without warning him, I said I wanted to take his photograph in one shot ? "in a flash" - as my Blip.

We'd spent the morning discussing his computer software and storage needs for his photographic work, and in return he will be giving me some lessons and advice on photography. His skill is as a portrait photographer and next week he will be my teacher, as a trade for my advice today (and earlier). Great. I am feeling really thirsty for feedback on my Blips.

I thought a portrait might be a jovial point to start, as I have no real idea about the possible skills I would need. The Boot being on the other foot comes to mind. Sylvain will lend me his Canon 5D Mk11, for me to get a feel of a better camera. I also want to test it's HD video capabilities, as my background is in moving images and editing. I bought my 6 year old EOS 300D from another photographer friend, who had only used it a couple of times as his back-up for his 5D too (sic). I am itching to buy another camera and/or a good zoom. But I've no really sensible idea of what to get.

We seem to have had inches of rain already today and it is not stopping, so I want to Blip as soon as possible and have the rest of the day off. I am now procrastinating. I should be writing invoices and writing and sending reports, but I want to look at lens reviews on websites and spend virtual money stupidly for a few hours. Perhaps that will teach me a thing or two.

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