Clicks and Snaps

By meredith

Total Due

On October 1st, the new fiscal year begins at Gallaudet University, as it does in many other places. I went to the financial aid department to inquire about work-study, which I'd been told I could only do after October 1st. While they had my file open, I noticed a mysterious $2000 had appeared after the $3500 grant I already received. I asked about it, and the lady looked at the cost code and said it had come from the General Scholarship Fund. I don't know why it took until my last full semester to get some extra cash, but I am extremely happy to have my remaining bill cut in half! (tuition $7500-previous grant of $3500=$4000-new award of $2000=$2000.)

I have been paying for school entirely on my own, with no VR or SSI helping me out. In fact, I don't even have student loans, though I have borrowed several thousand dollars from my wife. (Fortunately, she won't garnish my paycheck if I miss a payment!) This extra bit of help is SO welcome.

I actually took this picture to send to my wife; I'm using a computer lab Mac at the moment and I don't know how to take a screenshot, so I used my camera phone instead! I figured it was the best news I'd receive all day, though, and was therefore worthy of blipping.

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