Lazing under the trees

Very stressfull afternoon for me, anybody that knows us will know what I"m talking about when I say the dogs are gone!.

Our Terriers the little darlings have a bad reputation of disappearing the minute you forget to shut the door or GATE as in this case.
It wasn't so bad when we lived miles from any-where and they just went rabbiting on our farm but now we live 10mins from town it's more of a worry.

They have only escaped once since we have lived here and some-one picked them up and took them home for a day, they are very friendly.

Have come back incase somebody phones, on the way I saw these calves sitting peacefully under our neighbours trees so qiuckly took a photo to use for my blip.

Hence no-one in our family will volunteer to look after them if we go away!!!
They are 10yrs old now but their mother and aunt had the same reputation! moral of the story, never have TWO Jack Russells.

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