Stay The Course

By marcdivincenzo

Saves the Day/Cartel Show

Today was absolutely amazing! I volunteered at the Saves the Day and Cartel concert at Ramapo. Before the show started, they arranged a meet and greet with the bands for all of the volunteers which was really awesome. Me and Matt hung out with Will (vocals) and Nic (rhythm guitar, this guy in the picture) of Cartel. Those guys were really chill, it was a great time. I also managed to meet Claudio who is the drummer for Saves the Day.

Once the work started, I had the easiest job in the world. I sat on a bench and anyone that didn't bring an I.D. with them had to sign a piece of paper that I handed to them. So once I was done with that, Danielle and I headed towards the concert where we met up with Matt and Emily. Matt's job was to stand behind the barrier right in front of the crowd and make sure no one jumped over. But I thought to myself hey, I still have my volunteer pass with me so maybe I could get over there and take some pictures. So that's exactly what I did! I went right up to the stage and took a whole bunch of pictures directly in front of the bands which was a great experience.

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