Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Every day for about a year, this fellow has been making a job of announcing that our "cops" are not his favorite people. At first he would walk about town wearing an Uncle Sam costume and carrying a sign that says "Jupiter Police Suck" and "Unfair!!!"Sometimes he would stand in front of the police station and do this, which I found a bit odd feeling to me one day when the police were busy helping a bunch of people who had been injured in an accident about 100 yards from him.

Now he takes to driving about town each day. I much prefer his auto to some of them I have seen with confederate flags waving in the breeze, so I always wave to him, and I've tried to catch up to speak to him at times and suggest he put up a web site, and put an address on his car so we could read what his issue is. At this rate I am not sure what it is, but with is new "weapons" something sign, I suppose he is not allowed to go to Starbucks with his gun or something. No, that cannot be it. You are allowed to take your guns into Starbucks now. (sigh)

So, anyway, in a town where it is pretty bland in a lot of ways, I do get a kick out of him and his spunk, even if I have no idea what his beef is.

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