Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Green Tree Frog

Well, today has not been what I expected.

Went to work as normal expecting a 10 hour day, only to get a phone call at 9am to say Christian wasn't well and was going to hospital. I left work immediately passing the ambulance on the way.

We then spent 10 hours at the hospital, only leaving after he wa admitted. So I will be going back to the hospital after work tomorrow. But I must say everyone at the hospital were amazing, from the doctors to the paramedics, they all kept coming to see if he was alright and if we were alright. They really cared. Which in an incredibly busy emergency department was really quite amazing. I wish to thank all those people from the bottom of my heart for their kindness.

The weather has been absolutely horrendous today, with tremendous downpours of rain. Which has meant getting to and from the hospital a real nightmare.

AS it's been raining so much a couple of tree frogs sneaked their way onto our windows. We think they may have been a mother and baby.

They are very small, this blip is taken on our patio, but doesn't really give you any idea of size.

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