Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Dull days...

...need beautiful colours.

When everywhere is grey and bleurgh I need to be in colour. I need beautiful colours like I need oxygen.

I think I might go and buy some brightly coloured flowers.

Other than the rain it's a lovely...slob-around and do not a lot kind of day. Bob has helped cook lunch and I have a batch of Chelsea buns all ready to be baked afterwards. We even have some of our own pears, poached for dessert. The pears are little short of a miracle. We've lived here for nine years and never once has our pear tree produced anything other than deformed, tasteless, tough little bullets. I've loved it, cosseted it and had the tree surgeon look at it several times...nothing. This spring, while sitting underneath it, I mused to Bob whether we should chop it down and lo...this autumn we have fruit. So the moral of this tale is that if you have a recalcitrant pear tree...don't smother it with love ...threaten it with its life! I wonder if I can submit that tip to Gardener's Question Time.

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