Jottings from the web

By Ariadnesweb

The End Product

Apples again!

It was on the tree, it fell, now it has been peeled, chopped and added to its friends for a lovely crumble.

Over the years I've experimented with many different combinations of crumble toppings and fillings, but have come to the conclusion that I really do prefer it kept simple. So here's what to do!

Simple Apple Crumble
Peel, core and chop your apples. Today's was about 600g after preparing - it was just for 3, but it's generous! Sprinkle with a couple of heaped tablespoons of caster sugar. Add 3 cloves and a couple of tablespoons of water (I used cider that I had open though). make a 4:2:1 crumble topping. That means - 150g plain flour, 75g unsalted butter rubbed together until they're like breadcrumbs, 40g sugar stirred in. Sprinkle over fruit and bake for 40 minutes in a moderately hot oven. Simples!

(For 6 people, use 900g apples and a topping of 200g flour, 100g butter, 50g sugar)

I will serve it with proper custard made with egg yolks, vanilla, milk and cream...but that's another story.

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