
We finally got out on the skiff today....the weather couldn't have been better....quite calm with some nice 'puffs' of wind, blue sky and the water was warm! We sailed around for a couple of hours, then pulled the boat up onto a little island, where they have roped off the grassy area to help preserve the various birds that are in decline there. we had a lovely walk on the beach, I had a swim in the ocean, awesome....and we sailed some more! Terry seemed to be particularly amused when he was able to get me to sequel like a girl...whenever he got the boat to pitch onto a bit of a slope, not much for those skilled and experienced in the art of sailing, but for the likes of was a bit scary....he managed to get some shots of me in this very humiliating position....i'm off to delete them from his camera before he sends them to his family :)

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