Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


Some of my favourite ever shots are from today's shoot. But I didn't want to change it out. I feel on reflection I pulled together every ounce of knowledge and talent and I feel proud. It's 3am now and I've finished editing. The 1000 enjoyable outtakes have been fun to look through too. Oh Shannon! Were I you in these pictures.

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It's a huge honor to photograph a woman on the cusp of bringing forth new life into our world. And today, the warm and engaging couple Shannon & Anthony and lovely, delightful, energetic toddler J, joined me on the beach for a maternity and family session. Shannon has the most delightfully perfect bump, without blemish, so full and solid and robust.

The light was dim with the marine layer fog coming in and that added a beautiful and serene look and feel which I love.

We met the couple whilst our boys were side by side in the NICU and I will never forget their kindness in visiting the British store in Santa Monica to buy us treats, a care package when we needed it most. Such a lovely act of kindness and such a blessing now as they await the dawn of the new day with Twin Pink and Twin Blue. The day to day of life has kept us from seeing them now for such a long time, but we have remained connected through photography. And so today we were reunited on the beach to capture this special moment in their lives. I feel honoured that they chose me to capture it for them. Only another 1,000 shots to review and this one raised a smile, the beautiful (twin peak) of twindom.

I'll do a wee gallery tomorrow once I've been through them and the family have seen them. I'm on nightshift tonight with Reuben's medical needs so the timing's perfect.

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Last night, I ventured out with my dear friend. After dinner, she drove me to her special place which looked out over the lights enlivening the murky night skies of Los Angeles. Memories were rekindled of when she first discovered her leukemia. She is now in remission and greeting life with gusto and enthusiasm and I am so proud of her. The miracle of her son is what lead to her early discovery and he is the shining light in her life. I was touched to be taken there, that she'd opened up her heart.

We all arrived home at the same time and I joined the boys in the bath, they all sticky from a day at Disneyland, me all sandy. They'd seen Buzz Lightyear and I thought back to this morning when I was attempting to potty train Callum. The music of Toy Story 2 came on in the background despite the closed door, Callum shrilled, "Buzz" and bounded up towards the door. The boy is obsessed. Bang went potty time.

I'm filled with lovely warm feelings now. Yummy.

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