
By designbyday


Can't quite believe I made it to 200 blips! I was hoping to take a better quality photo than this however you never know what you might see next that interests you, so here it is.

Today I took a trip to Moorfield's drop-in eye clinic to get my persistant itchy eyes looked at. I now have 8 weeks of steroid eye drops. The cause, unsurprisingly for me, is allergy. Ho hum.

On my way out I noticed a glass display cabinet of RNIB products for the blind and partially sighted people. This gadget caught my iodine-filled yellow eyes. It made me stop and think about what it must be like to deal with everyday life when you are challenged by your eyesight. It also made me feel thankful that my eye problem is treatable and (hopefully) only a temporary blip.

Without my eyesight I couldn't enjoy Blipfoto and the lovely photos you lot take! So thank you for yours and also thank you for looking & commenting on mine. : )

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