2 - As I was going to St Ives

After bacon butties sat out in our little woodland this morning (the same woodland that last night had J9 sprinting in from a late night fag, due to hearing what she swears was a badger readying itself for TB crazed attack) we strolled down the hill into the centre of St Ives.

By mid morning even these few clouds had disappeared and it was hot sunshine for the rest of the day. It was so hot we sat on the beach in t shirts (eating the obligatory pastie) and J9 had to go and get some flip flops in place of her walking shoes.

Its felt like the hottest day of summer so far, but with no tourists.

J9 is now back at the cottage tripping out on strong painkillers whilst i have yomped to the nearest wi-fi, which just happens to be the nearest place that serves beer too ... :-)

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