Bending the rules...

I wasn't sure whether to post this or the aftermath. But love the bold colour of fresh paint.

I basically poured Bethany out some paint, put some paper in front of her and a brush in her hand. This is the first time outside of witches hat designing that I've managed to let Bethany loose with the paint I bought her for her costume. I assume she gets up to this sort of thing at nursery coz she just wired right in and knew exactly what to do.

She's about 17 months now sometimes I forget that just because she hasn't mastered our language yet that she doesn't understand it. I took her up to the shop for some sugar (it's bramble jam making time) and asked her to go to her bag and get her hat. She went to her bag and got her hat.

I was thinking about scanning the results and adding my twist to it but I think that is possibly bending the the Blipfoto Golden Rules a wee bit.

Time flys and babys grow up fast...

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