GreenEyedCats redfreckle

By GreenEyedCat

Sox in his Box!!

Well what's left of it..... he has chewed most of it.
He is now allowed out of his 'cage' all day :) & spends lots of time in his 'box'.
But he has too go back in his 'cage' at night. :(
He then starts meowing in the hope that I will let him out again!!
He now has a very, very bad limp.
When he jumps he has learnt it's much better landing on 3 paws not 4.
When he runs, he uses 3 legs & the other one just flops about.
But....... all that aside, he is a much happier cat (& safe).
He longs to go outside & will sit looking up at the door or on a window sill peering out.
But that day is someway off.
He has come a long way -
From when he went missing...
His Return.....
He has room for improvement & the vets are pleased with his progress.
We are just happy to have him.

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