Russell Chopping

By RussellChopping

Made me a man.

Ok, I`ll only gush once about my kids then that will be it!

This boy made me a man.

From the horrifying realisation that this whaling, crying, screaming demanding ball of flesh was here to stay and i`d better sort myself out cos I was the one who had to deal with this situation, as Olivia wasn't coming back till after midnight.

To the moment I realised my son was the single most perfect, awesome gift I had ever been given. This journey has and will continue to be the single most terrifying and inspirational thing in our lives, and I love it!

(if you haven't got kids, these are the ramblings of a mad man, if you have you know what i`m talking about).

No more kids 'gushing', Mrs C's turn tomorrow...

More of Luke's attempt to avoid the camera.

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