Sammy & Pee Wee

As most of you know I take these guys to work with me everyday until they are ready to eat solid food. They are still on the formula but Sammy has been playing with the idea of real food for about a week. Of course they are most active during the work day so when he picked up this little peanut and sat up like a big squirrel I had no other choice than to use the ole cell phone for a blip.

Pee Wee( to the right) as I now call him because he is soo tiny. When Sammy plays with him he gives it right back. He looks different to me and Bugsman agrees. We aren't sure what it is or why. He acts like Sammy just smaller.

It's been different having 2 at the same time but I think that its good for each of them.

I have been having problems with my cell camera, so the quality sucks but at least I was able to take these.

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