Just one Thought a Day...

By DeborahWales

Lean and Large

It should have been a pic of Solva. A stunning little Pembrokeshire fishing village. All brightly painted houses hugging the road to St David's that wends its way along the little river that spills out into glorious St Brides Bay.

It could have been the little quayside. Still a working harbour for the locals. Fishing, crabbing, lobsters and boat excursions. Maybe a photo of Will the Fish, in his little plastic pig, his landlocked form of transport instead of his fine restored beauty of a vessel back on the waters.

Maybe one of the Grockles, still drawn to Pembrokeshire's out of season beauty. Or Will, aka Elvis in his other incarnation, the hardy car park attendant for the National Parks.

No, the one I chose was the silhouette of man and beast, which could have been taken anywhere. It was actually taken on the edge of the Gribin, the serpent-like promontory that slides out to sea like a mythical water beast. Gribin translates into English as 'ridge'. It is just that. A steep sided peninsula with the earthwork remains of an Iron Age fort at either end. What a place to live 2000 years ago.

Lean and Large - Man and Beast. I couldn't replicate that. Solva will still be there for me and my camera but capturing Bear in that pose will not. The look of love, respect and the slightly raised paw. The alert ears. The eyes fixed ahead - on the pocket where he knows the biscuit to be!

Cupboard love!

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