In That Moment

By Jamnik

Mary Jane's Last Dance

buy me a drink
sing me a song
take me as i come
'cause i can't stay long

-tom petty

[through a lens, darkly]
i'm really interested in the layering of pictures and the new meanings that emerge from those combinations right now. as a friend once told me, i wear my emotions on my sleeve. i think i put even more emotion into my pictures - which is why it scares me so intensely to share them. my pictures are the way i see the world, what i care for, what is most important. so here i am.

this day, i lose. here's why.
my flip flop broke.
i got two hours of sleep.
my wine bottle was broken (by party-goers last night).
i lost my driver's license.
there's pee on my rug and puke in my bed (neither of which are mine).

on the upside, i rekindled a friendship that had faded. a person i really respect as an artist gave me the most genuine compliment of my work. i got a hug from someone who truly knows how to listen. i spent quality time with friends that i dearly love.

this weekend = shitshow.
here's hoping this week goes slightly better.

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