Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Walk this way

This bridge between 2 old warehouses, around the back of Piccadilly Train Station, has been bothering me for a few weeks now. As I'm walking past I find I'm straining and craning to see if I can see anyone through the windows that might actually be brave enough to walk across.

Perhaps it's just me (!) but it seems a little on the precarious side. I can't imagine at what management meeting, in what era, someone deigned to say aloud, "look, it's been one hell of a nuisance walking from the workshop all the way down 3 flights of stairs, through the building, out the door, through the yard, along the path, into the adjoining yard, crossing the next threshold, past the office, up the stairs, along the corridor just to get into the ...... bathroom / mop cupboard / probably just other workshop(!) - what we need is a elevated corridor made of corrugated tin, dangling precariously between these two previously unconnected establishments. What do you all think?" Hmmm

Anyway, weekend starts here :-) Off to my Mum's tomorrow; seeing friends' new baby and watching crazy husband do the Royal Parks Half Marathon on Sunday. Happy Bunny...

Hope you all have a great weekend too :-)

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