
By heraldino

Pharos V

Bad What-a-blazing-moron news: - Yoga isn't the Christian way to get exercise

Albert Mohler, I think I'll just ignore you because let's face it, you don't look like you ever mix in a salad or see the light of day, friend. Let's just hope that all the devout Christians out there who are actually trying to get off their asses and do something healthful , don't get turned off by your stupid, thoughtless and narrow-minded theories.

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Good Great-in-the-long-term news: - A win for solar power

Not being an environmental expert and being fully aware that it could be frought with as many dark dealings and greedy undercurrents as all the other energy technologies, I'm still thrilled to see the scale of this project. It is a step in the right direction, I feel, which is to become free of all energy sources that pollute, endanger lives and give too much power to a few wealthy and often unstable governments.

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