
By scintilla

Mat-Su Borough Veteran's Memorial

I'm a proud retired member of the U.S. Air Force of 24 years. I was never in combat as my role was in support, but I've had the honor of meeting, working with, and serving/helping many combat heros in my career. My grandfather was a physician in a field orthopedic hospital in France for the entirety of WWI. Contrary to what some politicians have recently be saying, patriotism is not the sole domain of those with military experience; however, my time with the Air Force has had a profound impact on my outlook on the world around me. It most certainly has allowed me to gain a great appreciation for the great contribution military veterans have made towards securing our freedom over the generations. During tours in Korea and Germany, I had the opportunity to visit and walk upon some truly hallowed ground of battle and sacrifice.

The chill and snow in the air as I shot this reminded me of a Siege of Bastogne remembrance march in 1998 I participated in that took place through the countryside outside Bastogne along Patton's 3rd Army approach to reinforce the besieged 101st Airborne Division and break the German encirclement. The town performs this march every year and despite the cold of the day, it was heartwarming to see dozens of Belgians young and old walking along side by side with veterans who actually fought to hold the town that ill-fated winter. The level of appreciation exhibited by these folks was something I regretfully see too little of from the civilian population back in the U.S. Even with Gortex boots and contemporary winter clothing, I had a chill from that march that took a day to shake off. I still can't conceive how those troops were able to wage war in that dreadful January of 1945.

Veteran's Day in the U.S. is one of only four national holidays (along with New Year, Indepence Day, and Christmas) that's not cheapened by moving it around to Monday each year. That's the way it should be. The fact that it is historically tied to Armistice Day marking the end of WWI is significant. It's not just for remembering our war dead, but it also celebrates the end of war and the peace and freedom we enjoy thanks to our warriors.

Happy Veteran's Day

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