Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Two Little Bears!

Well like so many other people this is an 'emergency blip'. After being at work this morning the rest of my day has been spent at the hospital. In fact the only day since last Sunday we haven't been there was Tuesday. Anyway, todays news wasn't as bad as we expected and Christian went ahead with his treatment as planned. So for him a few days respite, before next week when we are back there for another 3 days. For me, two 11 hour days at work stretch before me. I shouldn't complain at least the doctors and the hospital staff are doing their best for him, and everyone there are always friendly and kind.

Apart from all this the weather has done another complete turn around and after a thunderstorm last night, it has rained pretty much all day, and has now turned quite chilly. Husband is tearing his hair out as he wanted to cut the grass tomorrow, the garden is a soggy mess, and the grass is growing at an alarming rate!!

The little bear I blipped is one of my favourite patterns, he is only three and half inches tall (9cm) and the little bear is only one inch (2.5cm)approximately.

I used to make a lot of bears at one time, but I don't get the time now, and I'm spending way too much time on blipfoto!! I really, really must get back into it.

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