Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sun Sinking into the Waves

With the project completed and looking beautiful, my husband and I headed home. We are extremely tired, and it is getting late and dinner is a Dairy Queen salad for me and a Chicken sandwich for him -- How romantic. You know when you have been married for 18 years, sharing a Dairy Queen special in the cab of a truck is sometimes as romantic as it gets. Is the tired coming through?

Anyway, even though extremely exhausted, I had to get my blip of the day, so before Dairy Queen we drove a little past Port Orford to Paradise Beach. I had to walk down to the beach a little way and the sun was just setting into the water. I thought I would get a shot of it going into the choppy ocean. The waves were pretty rough. This shot is not as clear as I would like it, but it gives an idea of how rough it was.

Home is a few miles away, have a nice evening.

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