Big Hill

By bighill


On Old Man's bearded tree branch!

Morgan has been playing around with my camera today and so i thought it was a good idea for her to do my blip for today!! She took this shot, and many more outside her bedroom window. While we were uploading this, an amazing rainbow appeared in the sky above the studio.....Morgan rushed outside with the camera and took more photos. It was a difficult choice, but in the end, we both decided that this was a more interesting image, and it was what caught her attention initially. We've had such a strange day weather wise ..... heavy rain for a few moments, then bright sunlight....on and off all day! But it does create these beautiful images of raindrops sparkling in the sunshine!

Because of the weird weather we kinda stayed close to home.... Max and Randy are here for thanksgiving weekend so it was the kind of day to hunker down by the wood stove (first of the season!) and read, catch up on blips and various other activities like that....not to mention vacuuming!!!! the rest of the family arrives tomorrow and we'll have a huge feast.....with all the vegetables (except the sweet potatoes) coming from our garden - and turkey of course.

hope everyone is having a good weekend!

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