
I was looking forward to the sunny day that the Met Office said we would have. I guess I didn't see the small print about the low cloud that kid this wonderful sunny day from anyone on the ground. A cycle adventure wasn't on the cards since neither Fred nor I felt very inspired by the greyness so we had a massive tidy up instead. The kind of tidy up that involves tipping everything out of drawers and chucking out the little bits and pieces that are no longer needed or whose uses have been forgotten in the mists of time. We felt much better afterwards and had even found some really useful tidbits that had been "missing" for a long time. The local charity shop is now sifting through some bags containing mystery items.

A London adventure did follow, eventually, with a walk through Brockwell Park to Brixton, where we caught the afternoon showing of Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, which was very interesting in its portrayal of the money markets and all the wheeling and dealing. Then we headed into London and walked from Vauxhall to Gabriel's Wharf (for a pint and a cup of tea), after which we caught the bus home. Unbelievably, five buses came at once. There will be legends written about that event.

I hope the cloud lifts tomorrow. I think it kept all the pollution down - it wasn't pleasant air to breathe.

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