Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Street "musicians"

I am sitting in my studio in the back of the condo and I keep hearing the singularly worst horn rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star I have ever heard. Over and over. Same song. So I have to go out front to see what's going on. Two kids, with trombone and sax are standing across the street, trying to play, with sax case open, with a few (wet)dollar bills in it. IN THE RAIN. It turns out they are from a little town an hour or 2 away, one of them is visiting his grandparents (our neighbors) and they are trying to earn some money "for reeds". The sign (wet, and upside down) says "Money for Equipment" " Can I take your picture?" "Sure, we'll play" "Can you play a different song?" "No, that's why we're earning money - so we can get books and stuff and learn more songs" Well, I got my picture, not too great complete with raindrop on the lens (sorry about that!) gave them 2 dollars and wished them good luck. Then they went in (thank goodness.))

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