Me, My Camera & I

By notgraham


Today was an early start for a Saturday with a trip to Gorgie to pick up a box (those in the know will know what it is) from a shop before depositing that back at home. I had to act as taxi driver and take S back into the city centre for a lunch event she was invited to. I could feel the road rage in me as I got nearer to the city centre. Edinburgh shoppers and traffic lights on a Saturday just don't seem to work - my car's horn has never been so heavily used!

I headed out of town for a bit of relaxing shopping in Tesco buying a whole load of nice food for the following week. I even managed to get everything on my list - not missing off any key ingredients.

I got to spend an afternoon with me, the cat and my Sky+ recordings. I am secretly watching the Eddie Stobart show on Five at the moment. My other show of choice is Mythbuster. Having the Discovery Channel means I get to see the new series every Monday, but with the wonders of Sky+ I can watch it whenever ;-)

My afternoon was interrupted with S returning, then B, then DrC and MrsCyclops. All in time for Strictly, then Merlin and finally X-Factor. Somehow I unintentionally purchased a bottle of Limeade. I will remember this for next time and purchase another product!

That lot are really cutting with their comments, but all very valid - I don't think however there were any predications made. I think they'll leave that for next week.
After last weeks escapade with the chinese I went to collect out order - which was enjoyed by all (I think!!). I should learn my lesson and not try to peer into the kitchen of a takeaway - it loses it's magic if you do!

Tonight's blip is brought to you by cat Bob as I didn't get to blip anything else today...and the autofocus apparently doesn't like Bob!

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