The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Caught In The Act

This is a photo of Katy mid-munch. Her snack of choice? Caramel shortbread that she liberated from the box on the tv unit. That's the thing about children being mobile. It's all very cute until they get hold of something they shouldn't and you've got chocolate all over the furniture and a tiny tot surfing a sugar high. She did need a shot of energy though. She had her poor gran up at half five this morning. Her dad and I were utterly oblivious. It was lovely to get a long lie and even better my mum has taken Abigail down the road with her for a few days. The house will be quiet. Thanks mum.

The afternoon saw a trip to B&Q to buy shelving. Neil has a fortninght off and if he thought he was going to be sitting idle enjoying some peace and quiet or (heaven forbid) golfing he was sorely mistaken. I have other plans for him mostly involving screwdrivers and drills.

The other mssion for today was to find a cycle helmet for Katy so she can go in the child seat on the back of my bike. They seem surprisingly difficult to come by though the helpful (if slightly simple) boy in Halfords did suggest buying a larger size and padding it out with newspaper.

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