random rancid rambles

By rancidand


Corran to Loch Aline, over the second ferry then up the corbett with fabbie views of sea eagles and across he sound to Lismore, Cruachan etc.

Met a meet me group from Glasgow including a Swiss guy studying ovr here that had the look and gear of an alpiist. I had the incongruous look of a cyclist atop a mount. Not the best.

Struggled into the wind to Tobermory. NotRancid was not happy that I described a coastal run as undulating when it trended uphill to the top of the hill into Tobermory - which she walked down as it was too steep. Made up for it with a lovely hotel and a lovely restaurant - which was in the Calmac waiting room, and we discovered the ferry we expected to take to Ardnamurchan does not run on a Sunday after August. Whoops. So our journey was pointless apart from getting the miles in and the comfy repast and repose.

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