Portrait of a Rascal

Thankfully yesterday's dark mood lifted during today.

Nothing like wandering through the kirkyard at the bottom of Lothian Road to bring things into perspective.

I did have rather a nice shot for today*, but how could I pass over this cheeky tittle guy? I know he's one of the grey variety and none to popular these days, but they don't know any better.

Silverback and myself were spending a quick lunchtime wander round the gravestones when a troop of squirrels appeared, scurrying about gathering nuts and stuff for the approaching winter.

This wee guy stopped beside us and dived head-first into a large pile of leaves, only to emerge a few seconds later with a large "monkey nut" in his mouth.

He then bobbed around our feet and then up on to a low wall to have a quick knaw at his booty. I tried to get a shot of him there but he was so close the auto-focus couldn't get a fix. I shuffled back a step and kept firing, hoping for the best.

And to be honest I thought I'd missed him. It wasn't until I got down to downloading this evening that I saw just what I had.

Quite pleased!

(* My other shot has gone to the blip bank for another day.)

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