Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

100 BLIPS!!

I was beginning to think I would never make it, but HOORAH! After several false starts, I've finally got to the big 100.
I would like to thank my fellow blippers, my friends, my neighbours, my parents, my agent, sniiiff, etc etc etc. ;)
In all seriousness, I will make a big public thank you to my long suffering but very lovely husband who puts up with all sorts of cr*p from his loving wife and very rarely complains when I spend all his money. And a big thanks to my 4 home made Blip models, who never complain when the camera is shoved in their faces wherever they go. They are what taking photos is all about to me, which is why I'm going to give Blip a rest for a while and get back to what I like the best....photographing my amazing little family, just because.

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