Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

13 months old

Kerr spent most of today with Daddy. I had severe toothache all through the night which continued all day. I ended up having to go to the Out of Hours Dentist where they said it was an abscess / infection and gave me strong antibiotics to kick it into touch.

What a miserable day! However, the pain has eased a bit now so hopefully the drugs are working. So fed up feeling ill - going back to work has definitely not agreed with me!

Kerr is 13 months old today. Monthly progress:

Walking (yay!)
He took his first steps on Friday 17th September and has not looked back. He is now toddling everywhere in the house, and at every oppurtunity outside too. He can now bend walk, bend down to pick something up and then keep walking without falling over.

New words this month:
hiya (he uses this all the time especially to strangers in the street and supermarket!)
dance - he tries to dance now when prompted which is very amusing

He can now point to a picture of the cup of juice in his picture book and say 'juice'

He can do some of the actions to the song 'Wind the Bobbin Up' and loves playing Ring a Ring O' Roses.
He claps when he sees people clapping on the tv - the funniest was when Question Time was on and he started clapping with the audience. Also loves to clap at the Commonwealth Games and Strictly Come Dancing.

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