Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

The Rite of Enrollment

Katrina looked adorable tonight! All dressed up! The Rite of Enrollment is the first ceremony this year for children recieving their First Holy Communion. She will get to wear a white lacey dress in May. I don't remember doing this Rite when I was little. But I'm sure I did. They blessed the parents and the teachers. Then the parents blessed the children's forehead, ears, eyes, and mouth. She giggled when we make little crosses on her face. Especially when I made the 'zip your mouth' sign on her! She unzipped it speedy quick.

It's hard to remember to cherish these moments for my third baby. With all the rushing around with all their activities, I hear myself saying "aw, well, I just did this 2 & 3 years ago. No big deal." But it's all new to her! And a very big deal. How did Gramma do this 14 times???!! I do rush her to grow up. She's very tall for her age and she seems like a big kid even though she's just seven. So you expect her to behave better. More like her sister and brother. But then I love that she isn't quite like either of them! She's still silly and imaginitive and completely uninhibited in her own way.

So this was the culmination of our busy day. (See yesterday's story) I can't believe I was running 5 minutes ahead of schedule! And nobody was arguing!

Tomorrow, I weigh in again. Every Tuesday morning. I've been stuck on a plateau of sorts for a few weeks. Hopefully, I've gotten past it. Cross my fingers. I walked a couple of hours yesterday and an hour today. I even found some weight lifting machines at the park! It was good resistance exercises. There was a labirynth there too. I almost walked it. But then I felt self conscious, even though no one was there!! So silly!

I'm glad I'm making my blips a routine again. :)

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