jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Bix! Bix bike!

Translated: "Fix! Fix bike!"

Another good photo day today.

I realised the other day that nearly all my recent photos have been taken indoors.

Honestly, we do get out. Quite a lot. I just forget my camera half the time, and the other half I forget to take pictures because I'm playing with Ben!

Anyway. This is the only way I can get Ben to let me cut his fingernails. To promise him that once we're done, he can use the cuticle thingy to "fix" his bike with.

More fixing
Does this fit on here? I love the look of concentration on his face, trying to fix his car to the end of the fire engine.
Silhouette - A close contender. Very close. The only thing I don't like is the line of the window behind his head.
Ben - Yeah - another shameless portrait of Ben! In colour though.

I also discovered something today.

I discovered why Ben is so obsessed with the landline phone attached to the wall.

If you pick it up and wait long enough, the dial tone gives way to a recorded message saying, "please replace handset and try again."

He has conversations with a recorded message.

My little weirdo.

Off to paint half of the skirting board now, while Ben's asleep - nothing like a bit of pressure to get things happening, eh!

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