Much ado about nothing !!

By Gavstar

Three Hail Mary's......Bejeezus !!!.

This is a rather holy themed figurine which I have displayed ,sitting admirably on a tall chest of light oak drawers on the ground floor of the hallway in my Town House.I'm not religious in the least but I do believe in God and I just love this figurine as it displays a sense of serenity and goodness.Not that many people like her when they visit my home and ask if I'm a catholic......I like it !!!, that's what matters.
Only a couple of weeks ago Jim dropped his phone from the top landing,it went hurdling down at a hundred miles per hour and smashed the hat of a Rabbi that sits adjacent the Nun on the Chest of Drawers; when I became fully aware of what had happened,I just thought....thank the Lord and sweet baby Jeezus it wisnae my things happen at sea,so I'm told !!.

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