GeeCee's blips

By grandecheese


Don't look for too much artistry in this one. It's just a huge reminder to me that I'm so fortunate to be here and in good health.

A year ago I was shuttling in and out of this place as my heart by-pass operation was re-scheduled twice. I've chronicled the history of that experience in the #hospitweet blog.

Now, a year on, I'm crossing this bridge to attend a pre-retirement course. The bridge symbolises that step that I'm taking - moving into my third age.

The girders of the bridge symbolise the new strength I have and indicates to me at least just how much we depend on support - from friends, and of course from my dear family who I must have worried to death last year

The road below symbolises the journey ahead that I want to travel; to take me to places I've always wanted to visit and places I want to return to - not least of which will be Australia where I will see my new grand-daughter.

In a week's time I will attend the second week of the course and the first anniversary of the operation will have passed. Let me put that that in the past now, ahead of time, and begin to live for tomorrow.

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