Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Alien Viruses

First of all, my apologies to all my regular correspondents. It is unlikely that I will get to commenting on your work today as my laptop which I normally use for blipping has gone down with a nasty Trojan Horse which I have just spent four hours trying to eliminate. Half the day gone. In the end I had to bring it to my local computer wizard who reckons he can fix it , no problem but now I have come home to get the power cable for him as he doesn't have the right one. Ho. hum! off back to him so that he can carry out the necessary repairs... an 8 hour job it seems.

In between my frustrations though, I managed to produce this little offering, not as good nor as careful as intended but here you have it, a pure abstract. When the dust settles I might even produce a couple more.

Cheers averybody and keep those Chilean miners in mind won't you. As I write 14 out of the 33 have been extricated. Here's hoping for the others.

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