The Rellies

I got home to Wales late last night, after a morning in work, an afternoon flight, supper with a friend and a 3.5hr drive, just in time for the final preparations for dad's big six-o. He entered his seventh decade yesterday but will celebrate on Saturday.

Friday was busy; up and out - running errands for the ladies around the table; shopping (for myself, of course) and then to the opticians to collect the new eyes I had ordered a few weeks ago; and to choose some frames for the birthday boy, who didn't do such a good job of choosing his own a few months earlier.

Supper was a feast; goodies from the Surrey contingent's farm-shop, home-cooked ham from Dorset (possibly home-reared too, I can't remember), and fromage from France, from a neighbour's son. My contribution was some Polish bison-grass vodka and polish bison-grass chocs. Nice.

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