the blip with no name

By matt989


This is this years scarf...I buy a new scarf every year as they seem to get sucked a black hole during the summer never to reappear!

I seen the strangest thing today...

On my way to work I pass through Glasgow, past Celtic park along London Road.

After Celtic park there is a set of traffic lights at a cross road. At these lights two lanes of traffic tend to build up and there seems to be quite a delay in the lights changing.

I was quite happily sitting in the cue in the inside lane waiting for the lights to change. Chris Moyles was yabbering away on the radio and I was away in another world. To my right the cars in the other lane are also quite happily sitting waiting for the lights to change.

Suddenly for no particular reason the woman in the car to my right, for no apparent reason decides to pull away..THUMP...into the rear of the car in front.

This for obvious reasons caught my attention and I turned around to see the womans face turn from shocked to a smile which soon lead to a full hearty laugh!

The lights turned green and I pulled away as the driver who had just been shunted climbed out his car!

.....very surreal!

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