Ruby's travels

By Roobz

Sannen-zaka, Higashiyama

Today we paid a visit to the famous Kiyomizu-Dera temple. It was very impressive and very busy, packed full of kids on school trips unfortunately! However, thankfully it was also very large with lots of things to see (and do!).

We started off with Tainai-meguri which by entering, you are figuratively entering the womb of Daizuigu Bosatsu, a female Bodhisattva who has the power to grant any human wish. Once you get to the inner sanctum, you are meant to turn the large stone found there in a clockwise direction and make your wish. Which we did!

We then continued to the main hall which was beautiful, and guarded by this dragon, who I rather liked.

Below the main temple, there was the Otowa waterfall, where three channels of water fall into a pond. Visitors can catch and drink the waters, which is believed to have therapeutic properties. Drinking the water of the three streams is said to confer wisdom, health, and longevity.

When the sun set, we went to Sannen-zaka, where my photo was taken. This is the main road which connects to the alley that is considered to be Kyoto's most attractive street, and very lovely it was too!

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