simple moments

By simplemoments

take a hike

so there i was out in the garden park...'cuz the weather finally broke and temps were back up into the 70's - yay! i was snapping away at this 'n that trying to figure out what to blip when all of a sudden i heard some raised voices.... men and women, arguing about directions. of all things... in the park? i heard some rustling...

"well, if we take the 101..."

"nope...we'll be fine staying on 24 all the way out..." she replied.

"are you sure? it looks to be faster to 101 to 67..." he stressed.

"do you remember the last time we listened to your map reading? we could always ask someone." she suggested.

"no...we don't need to do that, don't get hasty..." he stuttered out. "let's get on the trail..."

then they headed my way and i pretended to ignore i hadn't overheard a word they'd said. they were biker dudes. about 7 in all versus just the 2 i'd heard talking. they looked so out of place in the serene quiet of the garden with its rocks, trails and trees. but i couldn't help cracking a smile at them and saying hello anyway. then managed to get this shot of the backs of 2 of them just because.

it's not my normal kind of shot but because they were bringing up the rear, i thought they were the ones who'd been talking. they're not following each other, there seems to be strain in their posture.... i found it interesting... and how typical that no matter where we are, we still argue about directions - and men can't ask for help!

happy start to the weekend....

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